
13 April 2011

Christ Is Better Than Moses


Hebrews 3:1 – 4:13

Describe your favorite ways of resting and relaxation. How often do you do this?


Having argued for the supremacy of Jesus (who is shown to be superior to the prophets and the angels in the last Bible study), the Spirit-led writer of Hebrews now makes the case for how Christ is better than Moses, the one through whom the first covenant came.

The author will issue a second warning, now against forfeiting the rest offered to us (What was the first warning about?). The importance of rest is then expounded in chapter four.


1. Why is Moses so esteemed by the Hebrew people? Briefly recall facts about his life.

Read Hebrews 3:1-6

2a. In what way is Christ better than Moses?

b. Why did the writer of Hebrews argue that Jesus is greater than Moses?

Read Hebrews 3:7-19

3a. A warning is given, based on the Old Testament passage in verses 7-11. Who is this warning for?

b. What is the nature of the warning? (What is its severity of the warning? What is the tone of the author? Is it pleading or punitive? What effect does the rhetorical style used have on the feel of the message?)

c. What will be the result of not heeding this warning?

4. We are told to encourage one another to identify with Christ rather than be overcome by unbelief (Hebrews 3:13)

a. How is sin deceitful?

b. How does encouragement help?

c. How can God use you today to encourage another believer?

Read Hebrews 4:1-13

6. Who gets to experience God's rest?

Read Joshua 21:43-45

7a. Describe the kind of rest the people experienced. Of what did this rest consist? Did this rest last?

b. What does this rest mean for us as Christians?

8. Take some time to examine your own heart and life. Have you entered into God's rest through faith, or are you still trying to be saved through your own work and self-effort? What evidence would you give to support your answer?

Read Hebrews 4:12-13

9. The Word of God is the sword of the Spirit, which we are instructed to wield. How may we do so in the world of our everyday student lives?


The need for God's rest is urgent. A person should diligently, with intense purpose and concern, secure it. It is not that he can work his way to salvation, but that he should diligently seek to enter God's rest by faith – lest he, like the Israelites in the wilderness, lose the opportunity. God cannot be trifled with. If you are walking by faith today, you can feel sure of your security in the love of God.

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